Monday, August 27, 2012

Interactive Student Notebooks

I can't express how happy I am that I finally decided to jump in, feet first, and implement ISNs in my classroom! Yes, it's been a slow process getting them introduced to the concept, but now that they're getting the hang of it, it's been quite fun. As promised, I am posting some of their work. I'm already so sold on Interactive Student Notebooks that I want to spread the good news about them. :-)

This is the cover we're using. I got it from Mor Zrihen's store on TpT. Here is her website; it has TONS of information and photos. She was my inspiration! :-) I went ahead and "laminated" all of my students' books using packing tape. Very good idea seeing how often the books are handled.

This S.T.A.R. Book Guidelines packet was also part of Mor's packet I bought on TpT. I had kids go over the packet with me in class, and then I had them process what I considered to be the main idea. On the left page (student output page), students processed the ISN format. I had many creative visuals showing me they understood that the right side is for teacher input and the left is where they show me what they learned. So fun!

This is the "spread" covering their class syllabus. I chose to focus on what they're responsible for learning this year. They divided the CC standards by sections (Literature, Informational Text, Writing, Listening and Speaking, and Language) and detailed more of they'd be learning in each category. These two pages were definitely all about getting used to processing and exploring their creative sides.

In this picture, one of my studetns is demonstrating her work with the prefix anti-. She got really creative.

This is the work of one of my guy students. I like that all of my kids are really getting into adding their personality into the book.

Another student's interpretation of what he's responsible for learning this year in ELA-8.

These nifty unit pages are part of Mor's packet. I tell you, if you're interested in getting started, the packet is definitely worth the price.

This page was made by me to teach them their second prefix of the year. Included in the TpT packet is over 100 pages of formats for right/left side. I just put my master ISN under the Elmo and voila! So easy and stress-free.

Yet another "left side" processing page showing my student understands the format for the ISN.
One of the best things I love about the ISN is that it will keep me organized for next year. Now, in one place, I have a record of what I taught when and in what order. I can't wait to see what this year will bring for me and my classes.

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